Monday, 29 April 2013

Glowing in the Dark

It's hard to put up a brave front when everything around you is crumbling into a depressing pile of debris. It's even harder to stand and stare at the dark, serpentine road of nothingness and NOT breakdown into spasmodic fits of tears. But when you've come to that unexpected fork in the road- where you're confused beyond your own good- you know things just got a lot more worse.

Sometimes it feels like there's no hope. It feels like there's just no way out of this confusion, this madness. It feels like death- only there's no resolution, no peace, no justice. It's as if a thousand maggots are at work, gnawing at the seams of your sanity, slowly loosening the sedge that helps you keep your sunny side-up. It feels like you're drowning in a sea of despondency, and the weight of your despair pulls you down deeper, deeper into the unknown, into the nameless- despite all your efforts to keep yourself alive.

And it seems like it's so hard to keep up the fight. It seems like you're losing your grip with every step you take. And it's so much more harder when your biggest fears are right there in front of you, taking tangible forms in reality; a bunch of bullies that have you thrust against the lockers, laughing right at your face, the spittle on their lips evidently mocking you and and your hapless, hopeless struggle against them.

And when all I hear around me is the thrashing of a tempest-struck sea against the fragile shore, when all I see are a gazillion hurricanes sucking the life and blood out of everyone's name and property, when all I feel  is the excruciating pain of my deep, rubescent wounds, I take a final look at the One who is up there- guarding, protecting, overlooking me and every speck of creation in the universe- and I passionately fall down  prostrate before the Magnificent Lord of the Heavens and the Earth.

 In the darkness around me, it's only me and Him. I call upon His glorious name and pray- pray for the wayward, for the damned, for the lonely, the lost and the confused- till a feeling so powerful empowers me, overwhelms me and which allows me to rise above my pain.  And then I do. I rise, hopeful, elated, enlightened and jubilant that though there seems to be no way out of this labyrinth, His light will guide me, you and everyone else to peace and resolution soon enough- as long as we hang on tight and don't give up on our fight.

Beautiful  is the soul that lights up the lives of everyone around her when her own world is falling apart. Beautiful is the soul that can smile through her burning tears, the soul that fights adamantly against her vices and fears, the soul  hopeful of a brighter, beautiful tomorrow even though today looks a lot more scarier and confusing than yesterday.

Beautiful are these souls-the ones that truly
glow in the dark.


  1. Beautiful post. Ma sha Allah. I can definitely relate to the feeling...

  2. And sometimes, the feeling of being lost is so dominant that you don't even know what to pray for. You simply leave everything in His powerful hands, knowing that He knows what's best for you even when you don't. I have had moments like that when I just tell Him that He is the one who knows what's in my heart better than I know myself and so ask Him to set things right for me.

  3. Saved are the souls that live in the present...the ones in the past and future suffer..:)...good jinan!
