Thursday, 25 April 2013

Friday Morning Musings

What happens to the world right before the crack of dawn?
And plenty of it.

If you live in Kerala, or in any other part of the world where Mother Nature dances to the tune of her own song, you're in for some treat. And if you live in a metropolitan city and wake up to the sound of traffic or the cooing of pigeons like I did all my life before being settled here, don't worry. I'll try to recapture the magic in the only way I can, through writing, though I will never be able to do my sense of sight justice. 

The world as we know it is completely something else at dawn. Everything that's under the serene gaze of the night sky- the trees, the birds, the wind, the earth- is at peace and committed to complacency after twilight. Calmness reigns over the subjects of the earth with her powerful trident, poking into place anything that seems to be teeming with life. For the remainder of the night, things are as still as a picture. 

But when it's an hour or two before the sun is scheduled to rise, things start changing slowly, imperceptibly. 
The earth regains its moist, russet texture. Soft winds start to gently tap the creatures of the earth as if to awaken them, to remind them that the Great Lord wants them up and full of life, so that they become manifestations of signs, miracles for the intellectual human to reflect and wonder upon. 

Before the call to azaan (early morning prayer for Muslims), the birds open their beady eyes and start chirping, praising, glorifying, exalting the honourable name of God. Trees start nodding in agreement, and the tallest and most magnificent of them in stature, the Coconut tree, raises her head in praise of the glorious Master of the Heavens. And then? Then the world waits for the magic to happen.

And it does. The first light of dawn breaks open across the sky, like a firework of bright light, and  it illuminates, irradiates the world of sorrow and darkness and transforms it into a morn of new beginnings and hopes. Roosters crow in awe at the sight, calling out encores so loudly that the world might be informed of the magical transformation taking place all around them. Birds start to chirp and sing songs of bounty and praise, honey bees buzz around, butterflies mill about blossoming flowers and eagles glide across the magnificent sky as the world breaks into a cacophony of beautiful sights and sounds.

 And with that final stroke of magic, the Lord reveals the lush greenery of the trees and the verdant fields, the azure sparkle of the rippling streams, and the grandeur of His creation that was veiled in darkness and mystery all night long. But alas! Caught under the spell of slumber the livelong night, we wake up to find that we'd missed out on all of that magic, all of that splendour and all of those finishing touches on the final glossy picture we wake up to. 

But I've got a solution. :D If you're guilty to have slept out on all the magic that'd happened out there, keep calm. Just buy a ticket for the Dawn Special that's screening tomorrow, and sit back, relax and prepare to be bewitched! 

Have a great morning and a wonderful day! :)


  1. I am buyin my ticket for tommorrows Dawn Special ;)

  2. You really have a way with words, Jinan! I hope you won't deprive the world of the wonderful thoughts and ideas that your pen can bring to life.

    Good job :)

    1. Thank you for those kind words, Nasu! :)<3
